Alan Debbas – Bachelor of Global Engineering at CentraleSupélec-McGill
Former Student 2022-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : CentraleSupélec - McGill
I consider myself particularly lucky to have been taught Physics and Chemistry by Sébastien Bréard. I owe my genuine fascination for the sciences to his pedagogy that made the material come alive with insightful lectures. His ability to answer any question – from the most abstract astronomy to the more detailed quantum physics – never seized to amaze me.
Tamara Richa – Computational Neuroscience at USC
Former Student 2020-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with "Félicitations du Jury" and 20/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : University of South California
During my time as a student, Sébastien Bréard influenced me as someone who carries himself in a humble upmost respectable manner, leads students to discover and fulfill their potential. Long before the "Serment d'Archimède" was introduced to me as an EPFL graduate, Sébastien ensured we gained an understanding of the engineer ethical commitment very early in our curriculum (CPGE, EPFL, CERN).
Dr E. C. – Ph.D. - Engineer in the Swiss Railway Industry
Former student 2006-2009 – Bac 2009 : "Très Bien" with 20/20 in Physics at Lycée Victor Bérard – France
University Studies : CPGE - EPFL - CERN
Overall Sébastien Bréard is an inspiring teacher and highly regarded by his peers, dedicated and forward looking to provide his students with the best possible learning experience in an increasingly competitive and complex global environment; on a personal level, I can say without exaggeration that he played a significant part in my decision to pursue my studies and career in higher education (CPGE, EPFL, Imperial College).
Dr M. B. – Ph.D. - Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology at University of Southampton
Former student 2000-2003 – Bac 2003 : "Très Bien" at Lycée Victor Bérard – France
University Studies : CPGE - EPFL - Imperial College London
Sébastien Bréard intervenu en tant que professeur Agrégé de l'Université en Physique au pôle France de Ski Nordique de 2007 à 2016 dans le cadre préparant les athlètes de haut niveau en Double Projet à leur Licence et leur Master de Physique et de Chimie, et il a assuré cette mission avec toute la rigueur nécessaire à son bon déroulement.
Ses facultés d'adaptation, ses connaissances associées à ses compétences et son professionnalisme ont fait de lui un enseignant de référence que nous avons sollicité régulièrement pour la réussite des athlètes.
De par son engagement, la qualité de ses interventions et en faisant preuve d'une très grande disponibilité et d'une réelle conscience professionnelle, il a parfaitement relevé les missions confiées en adéquation avec la diversité et la réalité des objectifs du Pôle France de Ski Nordique.
N. M. – Directeur of Centre National de Ski et de Moyenne Montagne (2016)
Pôle France de Ski Nordique – France
I certify that Sébastien Bréard holds a master's degree in Quantum Physics and Nuclear Physics, plus a CAPES (title to teach obtained after competitive university examinations) and the Agrégation Externe in Physics which gives him the highest possible rank of any fully-fledged teacher entitled to teaching both at secondary level (high school) and in higher education like universities and which is the French equivalent of a Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, and Education.
This demonstrates his academic excellence and an ability to teach Physics and Chemistry at any level, particulary at university level.
G. Z. – Présidente of the Société des Agrégés de l'Université (2005)
Paris – France
Sébastien Bréard enseigné la Physique des interférences, de la diffraction et de l'optique des milieux anistotropes en deuxième année de la prépa intégrée à l'Institut National de Sciences Appliquées de Lyon durant les années universitaires 2003 à 2007. Ces sujets académiques étaient complétés par des applications de l'optique instrumentale comme la spectroscopie à réseaux, l'interféromètre de Michelson, le traitement optique des images et la photoélasticimétrie appliquée à la mécanique des milieux continus. Il a aussi élaboré des sujets d'évaluation des connaissances, participé à la correction des copies et au jury de fin d'année.
P. G. – Maître de Conférences at University Claude Bernard of Lyon - Responsable de la deuxième année de la prépa intégrée at INSA Lyon (2007)
INSA Lyon – France
I can attest to Sébastien Bréard's outstanding and thoughtful work, his seriousness, and his involvement to serve and support our students leading them to success. As the Head of Physics and Chemistry Department at the LFIGP – the biggest French School in the Middle East – and Physics and Chemistry teacher principally in grade 12, Sebastien presents a very rich and extensive career which is a major asset for our School. I particularly note his experiences in University or Engineering School (INSA at Lyon) and for high-level athletes of French Skiing Teams. The posture he has developed, since his arrival at the LFIGP five years ago, has remained firm and solid and of very high quality. Besides his rigorousness, he is a teacher with very strong working capacities, who looks for challenges and shows ambition for his students. He represents an essential reference both for the Physics and Chemistry Department and for his peers thanks to his expert knowledge. Students who are lucky to be with him will have strong knowledge and competencies in Physics and Chemistry. His students and their parents trust him and he also knows how to build strong and demanding and respectful relationships with them.
B. A. – Principal - Proviseur (2022-2023)
Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
From 2018 to 2020, during my last two years at the LFIGP where Sebastien Bréard was my teacher, he was able to make me understand and enjoy chemistry and physics classes which most probably made me pursue the chemistry path I am following today. Sébastien prepared us very well for the exams to come and our future studies. I can testify that my classmates and I were looking forward to his classes. He did a fine job at simplifying chemistry and physics with analogies whilst retaining the essence of the course. He also started handing out concise summaries of the key information and exercises early in the year. It helped us understand the challenges of the course and gave us the proper tools to face them. During the beginning of the pandemic, he adapted the format of his classes to an online class that was still interesting and modified the content to match our future studies as requested by the students. Furthermore, he guided me with choices of universities and helped with the administration procedures. He put me in touch with some of his previous students that went to EPFL and Imperial College London as they were my two main options. I believe Sebastien has kept good relationships with his previous students and it can be very helpful to his future pupils. He sometimes contacts me to answer questions for his current students who are interested in going to my university. Ultimately, these qualities combine to make Sebastien a very thoughtful, passionate and motivating professor which is why I heartily recommend him.
S. C. – Master of Chimie Moléculaire et Biologique at EPFL
Former Student 2018-2021 – French Baccalaureate 2021 : "Très Bien" with "Félicitations du Jury" and 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
Avec deux collègues du Lycée Victor Bérard, Sébastien Bréard a traduit le livre fameux du Prix Nobel de Physique 1933 Paul A. M. Dirac (University of Cambridge) The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (dans sa dernière édition de 1958 parue aux éditions Oxford Science Publication - UK - qui n'avait encore jamais été traduite en français ).
Sébastien a ensuite traduit, avec un seul de ses collègues, entre 2012 et 2016 le livre Understanding Physics de David Cassidy et al. (Harvard Project Physics-UC Berkeley-Stanford University) des éditions Springer-Verlag - NY, paru en français sous le titre Comprendre la Physique ainsi que l'ouvrage d'Eric Mazur (Harvard University) Peer Instructions : a User's Manual paru aux éditions Pearson - UK.
O. B. – Directeur des Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes - Lausanne (2016)
PPUR-EPFL PRESS – Lausanne (Switzerland)
Sébastien Bréard été mon professeur de physique-chimie au lycée. La qualité de son enseignement et le niveau académique qu’il instaure m'ont convaincu de recourir à ses cours particuliers, en vue des épreuves du Baccalauréat. De part sa pédagogie exceptionnelle, il m’a inculqué les fondamentaux de la physique-chimie. Sébastien est un enseignant qui sait mener ses étudiants vers la réussite, comme en témoignent mes résultats aux épreuves du Baccalauréat. Je ne peux que recommander ses services.
R. M. – Computer Science and Spacecraft Team at EPFL
Former Student 2020-2022 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Très Bien" with 17/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
Sébastien Bréard's guidance during my final two years of high school was invaluable. I deeply valued his personalized approach to explaining concepts, that always fit my individual learning style. His explanations were consistently clear, augmented by real-world examples, enriching my educational journey with a dynamic, interactive, and enjoyable learning experience.
Y. H. – Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London
Former student 2018-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with 19/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : Imperial College London
Sébastien Bréard was my teacher for two years in Lycée. I really appreciated his approach to teaching and how he could put theory into context. He gave me strong foundations on key principles such as being able to estimate order of magnitude and tools to quickly evaluate accuracy of results. He also helped the entire class set core foundations on how to approach exams and have a methodology that could be used in all branches, which allowed me to score a perfect score in Physics and Chemistry for the final exam!
But the most remarkable aspect is how disciplined and fair he was, pushing every student to be the best version of themself.
Sébastien is the teacher I remember the most fondly from my entire scholarship.
Jérémy C. – Program Manager at London
Former Student 2007-2009 – Bac 2009 : "Très Bien" with 20/20 in Physics at Lycée Victor Bérard – France
University Studies : Ecole Horlogère de la Vallée de Joux - Bachelor of Industrial Systems - Master of Advanced Data Analytics and Digital Transformation
Sebastien Bréard a su construire son cours autour des notions essentielles demandées au bac et reprendre vraiment les bases qui nous manquaient parfois. J'ai aussi apprécié la rigueur et la méthodologie qu'il nous a transmises pour la résolution de problèmes qui se généralise bien plus loin qu'en Physique, mais aussi son sens de l'humour qui nous permettait de ne pas finir complètement dépités quand nous ne réussissions pas.
Emma Mozer – Master of Life Sciences Engineering at EPFL and Master Thesis at University of Toronto
Former student 2016-2018 – French Baccalaureate 2018 : "Très Bien" with "Félicitations du Jury" and 20/20 in Physics at Collège du Léman – Switzerland
University Studies : EPFL - University of Toronto
After a string of mediocre physics and chemistry teachers, Sébastien Bréard the first and only high school teacher who truly inspired me to pursue engineering and physics in higher education. I ended up applying to the US and UK and got accepted for physics at Northwestern, general engineering at USC and UCLA, and Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London - where I’m currently working on my thesis on orbit determination using ground telescopes. Being an ex-university professor, Sebastien offered to help me get ahead on my course by correctly inferring what I would study. He taught me dynamics and vibrations in a simple enough way that a high school student could understand.
G. K. – Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London
Former Student 2018-2021 – French Baccalaureate 2021 : "Très Bien" "Félicitations du Jury" and 17/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : Imperial College London
During my final year of the French Baccalaureate, Sébastien Bréard was my Physics-Chemistry teacher. He quickly grasped my individual learning style and adjusted his teaching approach to match my needs. This personalized attention proved invaluable in navigating the demanding and rigorous curriculum. The impact of his mentorship was undeniable as I achieved the highest score in my graduating class for this subject and this was a significant contributing factor to my currents studies of Aeronautical Engineering at IPSA, an aeronautical and space systems engineering school located in Paris and Toulouse. If you're seeking exceptional guidance through this challenging program, I wholeheartedly recommend Sébastien.
D. S. – Aeronautical Engineering at IPSA Paris
Former student 2021-2022 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Bien" with 17/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : IPSA Paris-Toulouse
Sébastien Bréard will always remain in my memory as a teacher with a deep passion for what he was teaching. When lecturing us on chemical reactions and physical quantities in Geneva, he never failed to remind us the wonder of sitting atop the largest laboratory in the world, the CERN. Eager to transmit his passion with the class, he knew how to create a pleasant learning environment, gladly answering questions and making complicated concepts easy to understand.
R. D. – Master of Communication Systems (Space Technologies) at EPFL
Former Student 2016-2018 – Maturité Fédérale 2019 : 111.5/126 with 6/6 in Physics and Chemistry at Collège du Léman – Switzerland
University Studies : EPFL
Les cours étaient passionnant. Avoir un professeur qui sait tant de choses est réellement enrichissant. Sébastien Bréard rend accessible la Physique, grâce à son entrain et intérêt pour la matière. Toujours prêt à aider ses élèves, académiquement comme personnellement, je ne peux que le souhaiter à tous ceux qui veulent réussir.
Margot Chapalain – Bachelor of Génie Civil at EPFL
Former student 2021-2022 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Très Bien" with 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
Durant mes années de lycée, j'ai eu le privilège d'avoir Sébastien Bréard en Physique-Chimie, un enseignant de passionné et dévoué. Grâce à son approche pédagogique innovante et à sa manière unique de transmettre les concepts de la Physique, il a réussi à rendre la matière vivante et passionnante. Son soutien et ses conseils précieux m'ont non seulement permis de me distinguer dans cette matière, mais m’ont également permis poursuivre mes études dans le domaine de l’ingénierie. C'est en grande partie grâce à lui que j'ai choisi de m'orienter vers l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Son impact sur ma trajectoire éducative a été déterminante et je lui suis profondément reconnaissant pour l'orientation et la motivation qu'il m'a apportées au cours de mes années de formation.
Gabriel C. – Bachelor of Computer Science at EPFL
Former student 2021-2022 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Bien" with 16/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
J'ai été très satisfait des cours de Physique-Chimie dispensés par Sébastien Bréard. Il explique clairement les concepts, il est à l’écoute, patient, et motivant. Grâce à lui, ma note du baccalauréat en Physique-Chimie a dépassé mes attentes, et j'ai développé un meilleur intérêt pour la matière, notamment grâce aux anecdotes historiques ainsi qu’aux exemples d’applications pratiques des concepts étudiés qu’il lie à ses cours.
C-A. G-M. – Bachelor of Computer Science at EPFL
Former student 2018-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
My son – who is now in the higher Physics and Mathematics Classes in France – felt so fortunate to have Sébastien Bréard as teacher specially in one of the 2 most important subjects in grade 12: he has been indeed so impressed by his dedication to his entire classroom and the high-quality teaching skills that he has never stopped praising Sebastien as a teacher.
C. B. – Senior Financial Manager - Abu Dhabi (2022)
Parent of a former student 2021-2022 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Très Bien" with 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
Student's University Studies : CPGE
Sébastien Bréard est un professeur doté de grandes qualités professionnelles. Son niveau d'exigence a été un atout pour le Lycée, ce qui a permis à un grand nombre de nos élèves d'accéder à des écoles prestigieuses. Il a su prendre en compte également les difficultés de nos élèves les plus en détresse. Son investissement, sa pédagogie et sa manière de servir font de Sébastien un enseignant reconnu, apprécié et un excellent professionnel de l'Education Nationale.
P. L. – Principal - Proviseur (2010-2016)
Lycée Victor Bérard – France
I was taught by Sébastien Bréard for 2 years and it’s safe to say his Physics and Chemistry classes were by far the ones I enjoyed the most. He never failed at captivating all the students through his teaching. As well as making us feel welcome to ask any questions to assure our comprehension of the entirety of the contents of the course. Sébastien has his fascinating ways of explaining the logics of physics and chemistry in order to help us comprehend everything on a real and literal level by creating a connection between formulas, principles,… and real life scenarios that are simpler to envision.
L. K. – Bachelor of Architecture at American University of Sharjah
Former student 2021-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with 18/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : American University of Sharjah
Sébastien Bréard a été mon professeur de Physique-Chimie en classe de Première. C'est un enseignant appliqué et ses cours sont clairs. Il insiste beaucoup sur les notions clés du programme ainsi que sur la méthodologie afin de préparer au mieux ses élèves aux examens ainsi qu'aux études supérieures. C'est pour ces raisons que j'ai également pris des cours particuliers en classe de Terminale afin de préparer le baccalauréat. Son expérience en tant que professeur au lycée est ressentie dans sa manière d'enseigner ainsi que dans ses conseils pour le baccalauréat.
E. L. – Bachelor of Chemistry at EPFL
Former Student 2021-2023 – French Baccalaureate 2023 : "Très Bien" with "Félicitations du Jury" and 20/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : EPFL
Etant étudiant dans le domaine de l’ingénierie, j’ai réalisé que des bases solides dans les sciences fondamentales sont un atout essentiel pour la suite des études. Ces bases, notamment en Chimie, je les aies acquisent au début du lycée avec Sébastien Bréard , mon professeur de Physique-Chimie véritablement passioné par son métier. Il a su m’expliquer avec enthousiasme pourquoi la Chimie est un sujet fondammental et comment m’y intéresser par moi-même. Il est un professeur unique dans sa méthode d’apprentissage qui repose sur son engouement pour le sujet.
Christopher Soriano – Bachelor of Computer Science at EPFL
Former student 2016-2018 – French Baccalaureate 2021 : "Très Bien" with 16/20 in Physics at Collège du Léman – Switzerland
University Studies : EPFL
Sébastien Bréard was my Physics and Chemsitry teacher back in high school (11th grade). It was thanks to him that I enjoyed the subject as he was always able to break down very hard concepts into smaller parts that are easy to understand. What made Sébastien different from other teachers was the depth of his knowledge in the subject: he would always teach us some fun facts and give us tips and tricks on how to remember things to do well on the exam. In fact, here I am in my second year of university still remembering the first three lines of the periodic table thanks to him! Finally, Sébastien was always very patient, which made me comfortable to ask questions whenever I felt lost, as he would repeat his explanations until I understood it all.
Lynn K. – Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering at UCL
Former Student 2020-2021 – French Baccalaureate 2022 : "Très Bien" with 15/20 in Physics at Lycée Français International Georges Pompidou – UAE
University Studies : UCL